Upstart Co-Lab has identified more than 100 funds that have invested in the creative economy in the last 5 years. Learn about three of these funds, and read the real-life story of a B Corporation in the creative economy that recently raised impact capital.

Access Ventures is an impact investment firm that builds more inclusive economies through mission-aligned investments that enable communities to flourish. Creative Arts is one of five pillars of their portfolio. Read what they have to say about the Creative Economy.

HEVA Fund is a Nairobi-based fund that invests in the transformative social and economic potential of the creative economy in East Africa. Read about how HEVA is building the creative economy as a source of 21st Century jobs.

Purpose Ventures makes evergreen investments in companies that have made a binding commitment to keep remain independent and mission-driven. Read about one Purpose Ventures investment that mixes crowdsourcing art, new social media platforms, and the growing trend of consumers spending their dollars expressing their values.

Creative Action Network shares their journey of raising impact investment capital to scale their business.


Will you be at SoCap18? Or the 2018 Grantmakers in the Arts Conference: Race, Space, and Place? So will Upstart Co-Lab!

Please join us at the GIA conference on Tuesday October 23 at 10am for a session on Impact Investing in the Creative Economy and Wednesday October 24 at 8am for a more in-depth Roundtable on the topic.

Please join us at SoCap18 on Thursday afternoon October 25 for Creative Workspace and Quality Jobs.

Hope we see you there!